Currently, on both the desktop and mobile experience, the user is unable to jump to different pages.
They need to painstakingly click "Next" or "Previous" at a single time until they find the page they want.
May I suggest a dropdown control that lists all the Inspection pages, and selecting one of them navigates the user to that specific page. Additionally, add an indicator icon like a tick box next to the page in the list to show which pages have been completed and which ones haven't, so that users can track their progress more easily with larger inspections.
This feels like such a basic UX feature that is missing from Inspections, and it has caused a lot of frustration and time loss with the technicians who have been giving feedback regarding this functionality.
Thank you
I will also add that I am aware of the option to implement this manually with "skip to question" branching logic.However, it's a nightmare to develop and maintain this, since the rules are too simple.For example, if I built an inspection with 10 pages, then I would need to add a Change Page question to each page and a corresponding logic branch. In each of those logic branches, I would need to add the "skip to question" logic for each page which totals this to 100 or O(n^2) amount of logic statements.
Category: Inspections