It would be great to have the Sales Price List functionality reviewed, so users could enter something like this:

  • Sales Price List for the whole October (01/10/2022 to 30/10/2022)
  • Sales Price List with special prices for the first days of October (01/10/2022 to 10/10/2022).

Given the current Duplication warning functionality, this is not possible as the system does not allow to have 2 Sales Prices starting with the same date (01/09/2022).

It only allows to have this setup if we set up the whole October Sales Price List to start on the 2nd of October... a bit confusing.

Desirable to have a new check that allows this setup but takes the lowest price one always.

Thanks for considering it.

Category: Sales
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



In fact, I still see it as a bug rather then as an "Nice-to-have" Idea.

It is OK to have the whole price list from 01/10/2022 to 30/10/2022 and special prices from 02/10/2022 to 10/10/2022.

So it does not make sense to have forbidden special prices from 01/10/2022. The behavior seems inconsistent and the customer need is quite usual customer user story.

The dupicity check is realy nice feature, but it should work as a recommendation.

Now, you simply cannot have two such prices at one starting date (but you can at any other starting date without duplicity check).

Best Regards

Jakub Linhart

Category: Sales