Hey Customer Service Team,

when en email is converted to a case the customer field is set to the emails sender, i.e. a contact. However, when using entitlements for cases the customer needs to be set to an account and the primary contact needs to be set to the emails sender to ensure that the entitlement for an account can be used with a case. As a a workaround entitlements can be defined for each contact. However, this is not what most use cases for entitlements would suggest. If an entitlement is created for each contact instead of each account there is no way to ensure that service contracts limiting the number of hours worked, which are defined at the account level, can be enforced.

A backwards compatible solution would be to make the email to case convert function configurable. The default behaviour could the current behaviour. Additionally, the convert function can use the email sender's account and set it as the case customer and set the contact as the primary contact.

Ideas Administrator

Thanks for your valuable feedback.
While converting an email to case using ARC, if the sender of the email is a contact with a parent account, the Customer field is set to the parent account, and the contact field is set to the sender of the email. Please refer the following documentation -

Automatically create a case from an email in web client (Dynamics 365 Customer Service) | Microsoft Learn

Automatically create or update records in Dynamics 365 Customer Service | Microsoft Learn