To Highlight Mandatory Dimensions in Transactions both in Lines & Header (where applicable) with "*".
The Idea is to highlight the Mandatory Dimensions in Financial Transactions across Modules with an "*". Usually for Journals when the Financial Dimensions are skipped, they are highlighted only when the transactions are validated/posted. For Transactions like Purchase Orders/Sales Orders/Project Invoices - the Financial Dimensions when skipped are highlighted only when submitted for Workflow or at times only at Posting. Hence, there is a lot of wastage of time in editing during data entry. The idea here is to pre-emptively highlight the mandatory Dimensions on Header/Lines with "*" so that it saves time.
Also, in most cases the Accounting Structures are not accessible by those who data entry. Hence, the selection of Dimensions is more so by Training/Precedent/Manual. This creates dependency and is an issue when attritions are high. It would help and ease the new recruit's acquaintance if this idea could be implemented.
The idea is to highlight the Mandatory Dimensions with "*" if it is mandated basis the Accounting Structure and the framework built in.
Thanks & regards,
Satish Balasubramani.