Consider a scenario where you have a development env and a production env where the form security role setting (displayconditions) for a form are set to only allow users with the System Administrator role to view the form. You then change the security role setting on the test environment so that all users can see the form and then you export and import the change into the production env. In this scenario the change made to the security role setting on the form are not applied to the production env. This occurs because the GUIDs for the System Administrator role differ between the envs and the solution file is trying to change the security role setting for a security role with a certain GUID that does not exist on the import org. To mitigate this issue customers need to manually alter the solution file to change the security role guid in the solution to match the security role guid in the target env. Please consider adding a feature to solution import that would automatically detect the difference in GUIDs between the source and target systems and make the appropriate changes to allow OOB security role setting edits to be migrated to target envs via solution import.

Category: General