The OANDA exchange rate provider in D365 allows customers to take daily market rates - Average- Bid- Ask etc. For financial reasons companies may be required to use Central Bank (end of day) rates for their conversions.

Please update the OANDA exchange rate provider to allow customers to use the latest version of the OANDA API, which will include the ability to selectively consume rates (including central bank rates) and a broader list of currency pairs. 

This is required where multiple currency pairs and using Central Bank rates are required

e.g. The customer requires EUR-USD and CAN-USD Central Bank rates on a certain day. Expanding the OANDA API to include Central Bank rates would allow a CAN-USD to be returned from the Central Bank of Canada and EUR-USD to be returned from the European Central Bank.

We are planning to make an update available that will allow customers to use the latest version of the OANDA API, which will include the ability to selectively consume rates (including central bank rates) and a broader list of currency pairs. 

Category: General Ledger
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Request noted.