In D365 TH localizations, the Withholding Tax Certificate or any TH localization tax certificates do not include/print the Actual Vendor Name from the payments tab.

This is logged through LCS

Details for issue 661151 (dynamics.com)

Issue 661151 - By design

TH- The Withholding tax certificate is not printing the Actual vendor name from the payments tab

Product and version: Finance and Operations


The Withholding tax certificate and WHT reports are not printing the Actual vendor name from the payments tab


Microsoft has evaluated the issue and determined that WHT reports are working as they were designed. These reports do not consider TH local field Actual vendor name in vendor payment journal. We understand your concern and how this can affect your business however we'll not be purcuing a fix for this issue now in scope of a bug. For supporting a scenario when employee is reporting expenses from the purchases of services eligible for WHT, please log an IDEA.

The customer would like to see this information included as this is a requirement for their business

Category: Tax