Dear all, When I discuss with my customers, I receive some requirement related to set up prepayment. The detail of requirement as the following: + They have created a Sales order and they want customer must make prepayment within a specific percentage (for example: 50% total value of Sales order,...) before user can post packing slip and invoice I also made some discussion with experts in community and realized that It's not standard function in D365. Besides, when I research to find solution for this requirement, I have found that this function having in Dynamics NAV. help.sana-commerce.com/.../prepayments-configuration So I think this function should be appear in the next update version

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Appreciate you taking the time to submit the product suggestion. We will monitor the votes and other feedback to consider in future backlog.
Lachlan Cash – Principal Program Manager - Microsoft



This feature is required urgently. There's a Customer of ours who work on Advance Payments and their customer expect some invoice against the payment. But the Original Sales Order with proper item lines can only be given at the project completion and usually 100% payment has been received by the time we get all the details of SO lines.

Category: Accounts Receivable


Sorry for wrong reference link in Dynamics NAV
I attached link again

Category: Accounts Receivable