When searching for payables transactions, we always have to change to - by document date - then scroll all the way to the bottom of the list to find the most recent documents. There should be an option to set this to descending order and be able to keep it that way. This is a complaint I have had from customers over the years and it is becoming increasingly common
This feature functionality already exists. There is an option that was added to choose ascending or descending after you have selected the Doc Date within the Payables Transaction Inquiry window.
Category: Financials - Accounts Payable
Agree. I would be happy with automatically sorting by date, whether ascending or descending order.
Category: Financials - Accounts Payable
Administrator on 9/20/2022 8:01:31 PM
This is added to the Fall 2021 release 18.4
Terry Heley | Sr. Escalation Engineer | Microsoft Dynamics
701-492-6376 (o) | 701-412-5619 (m) | theley@microsoft.com