It is common request from customers to have ability to change financial dimension combination on posted transactions/vouchers due to data entry errors. Account structure rules do not always cover all validation scenarios . Considering that financial dimension combination is reference to recID now on transaction, it should be possible to update/flush it keeping data integrity on related vouchers and sub-ledger entries.

Category: General Ledger
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Financial dimension may have to be updated on past transactions for data consistency. customer adds local Chart of account as dimension due to legal reporting requirement. But some past data do not have this dimension. Fiscal report may be requested for 3 years back. Then this dimension must be added on all transactions; This process nonetheless have to be secured and traceable.

Category: General Ledger


We claim, that financial dimensions are used on internal costing reporting and therefore are not underlaying the accounting auditing rules. Where a change of mainaccount on posted transactions would violate the accounting auditing rules, this is not the case for financial dimensions.

Category: General Ledger



Category: General Ledger