Wish there is an option to easily enable project creation (e.g. internal or research and development ), based on project purpose description. Not efficiently tracking internal projects or projects of type research and development based on purpose or justification description history, user may not easily track or maybe tracking conventionally.

Not featuring a project journal proposal, for (e.g. internal projects or research and development projects), user may not easily track history of project creation approval or denials.




Oops Unicorn, Hectacorn, Hexacorn, other...

Category: Project Accounting


Example: Forbes, TMEC vehicle (research and development), aerospace, Uniform, hectacorn, or other.Examples:Internal or research and development project-Incident1 research, testing and investigation-New marketing and testing for innovation item-New BOM research and development-Scrap item BOM designs-Holiday and contest company picnic-Vehicle door color-New site or warehouse research, inspection, investigation-New item style, size, research and development and marketing-etc...

Category: Project Accounting