Our business produces goods through subcontractors (vendors) that process our goods across various manufacturing stages. We have multiple qualified vendors for any given manufacturing stage allowing us to send production requests as purchase orders to one of many vendors for the same product and production step. This gives us resiliency and flexibility that we would like to have reflected in DDMRP.

However, D365 does not allow bringing together resources with different vendors together within a resource group. Doing so generates this error: "The resource does not have the same vendor as other resources in the resource group."

We have tested this configuration without vendors and DDMRP will produce planned orders load balancing across resources taking into consideration order priorities, capacities, efficiencies, calendar deviations, etc. But for this to actually work for our business, we really need to have these resources include a vendor assignment, which would allow the creation of Purchase Orders on estimation, etc.

Could you please consider allowing having resource groups join together resources with different vendors defined within each?

This would allow us and business like ours to use DDMRP to more optimally load balance our supply chain across the various subcontractors that we have working for us.

Thank you!

Category: Planning