Our Customer had successfully created a Goal, based on a Metric that also includes a Rollup Query (as specific records were required).

They had originally added a custom date attribute to the entity which formed part of the metric (for the �In Progress� date parameter). After reviewing
their system I noticed that the �custom attribute� was irrelevant and we removed it from the form and views and then deleted the attribute from the entity and successfully republished without any errors.

Two days later they noticed they were getting Goal errors in the system jobs.

After investigating we updated the Goal Metric to select the correct date attribute for the �in progress� rule and saved the record. Tried to �re-calculate� the Goal and got another error saying the Rollup Query was invalid; went to the Rollup Query, which was just filtering on 'Territory' � tried clicking on �show records� and received an error again.
On viewing the error log, the query is somehow still referencing the original custom attribute that was deleted; in fact it never formed part of the Rollup Query itself, as it was only referenced on the metric. BUT the Rollup Querey is somehow still holding the reference to a field that no longer exists in the Metric (as the Metric was updated) - in fact it does not even exist in the schema.

The only way we could get around the problem was to delete the Metric and the Rollup Query and re-create them. You may say that was not too much of a pain - BUT we actually had to manually update 50+ Goals as well to reference the new Metrics and Rollup Queries.

So is this a design feature; or should a background process be in place to update/refresh the Rollup Query if the Metric changes or an attribute is removed from the schema.

Category: General