Side Panes to be Load/Unload on particular views. The scenario is we need to unload side panes when we navigate to other views. Currently Panes are behaving as excepted we need to do couple of refreshes to make them visible/hide. If we set this on close event of a form, it will be easy for this scenario.




We need the unload event to make sure that the ProgressIndicator gets closed when the user navigates away.

We want to register a postSave handler that opens a ProgressIndicator, do some asynchronuous task, and then close the progress indicator.

The above works only when

  • the user selects "Save"
  • the form is autosaved,

It does NOT work correctly when the user selects

  • Save & Close
  • Save & New
  • the "<-" back button on the ribbon, This will trigger auto save and then close the form

The postSave handler doesn't support waiting on a Promise. Hence, the code of the postSave handler will be broken off halfway the async logic. The ProgressIndicator is never closed.

If we would have an Unload  event handler we could mitigate the above.

Category: Unified Interface