All customers Tab Addresses - Purpose is displayed in column = OK Tab Contact information - Purpose is NOT displayed = NOT OK (To see purposes attached - you must open Advanced) Could a column be added to Contact information to display purpose(s)? The same issue regarding Contact.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Appreciate you taking the time to submit the product suggestion. We will monitor the votes and other feedback to consider in future backlog.
Lachlan Cash – Principal Program Manager - Microsoft



I also agree this would be helpful.
As we previously attempted a mod for this in 2012 R3, I realize it may be difficult because this is a multi-select field. The infrastructure behind this particular field seems quite complicated as well. You may need to review the general UI pattern around multi-select field displays.

Category: Accounts Receivable


Fully agree and support this idea. We utilize purpose quite a bit to differentiate what emails receive order confirmations (order) and what contacts receive (invoice). One would think this would be an easy inclusion to standard seeing as how this already done on the address.

Category: Accounts Receivable