Our users complained about incoming emails are attached to resolved cases, because users are not checking closed cases, they want that an answer on a closed case should always generate a new case, which will be visible for the users.

MS Support informed us that "When a new email in-reply to an already resolved case comes into the system, a new case is not created since the email is already associated with the resolved case. Instead, the email appears in the timeline thread of the previous case whether it is resolved or not." And this cannot be controlled by "Wait for a specific amount of time after the connected case is resolved" setting on automatic record creation rules.

Our point is, that there already are a few sofisticated options related to automatic record creation (e.g. the above mentioned setting), and we don't understand, why this working mode can't be achieved when the new emails are never attached to already closed cases

We ask you to consider adding this working mode in the future.

Ideas Administrator

Thanks for your feedback. If you want to always create a new case when an email is received on a resolved case, you could set Wait for a specific amount of time after the connected case has been resolved to Yes and don't select any time duration in the Select the amount of time box. Please refer - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/customer-service/automatically-create-update-records?tabs=customerserviceadmincenter.