We would like to be able to configure and synch custom fields or define additional fields to synch between outlook and dynamics 365 customer engagement and the new outlook app.
Category: General
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Hi Claudio, With the new Outlook App, when you track/set the regarding on an email, you can see it tracked. You can then click on the ellipsis on the track bar and choose 'View Email in Dynamics 365' command. This will load the main form (out of the box, but can be changed) for Email Activity within the Outlook App. Here you can update all your custom fields. This works the same way for appointments. Please view the documentation for more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/customer-engagement/outlook-app/dynamics-365-app-outlook-user-s-guide#view-the-linked-email-in-dynamics-365-for-customer-engagement-apps Thanks, Srihari

Category: General