
As there have been several cases raised with your Support regarding wrong Calculation of Withholding tax, when it comes to Project invoices or when Invoice register / Invoice approval is used for posting Vendor invoices, for example:

Issue numbers are:

  • 675072 (by design) Project invoice is not supported by the automatic withholding tax calculation and posting.
  • 3921976 (resolved) The changes in the hotfix add reference records in the vendInvoiceTransRef table, so that the withholding tax calculation for multiple lines in an invoice approval journal is calculated correctly.
  • 3799077 (resolved)The changes in the hotfix update the link between vendor invoice and taxes so that withholding amount is correct when making a payment against an invoice created by the invoice register process.
  • 775558 (postponed) Microsoft has evaluated this request and will not be pursuing a fix for this issue in the current version.

Is there any plan to fix issue reported in 675072 any time soon?


Client is posting all Vendor invoices which are Project related (Account type: Vendor vs Project) via Invoice register/Invoice approval; those invoices can have one line, but more often multiple lines, and each of those lines can have different WHT tax code applied.

Each time when client wants to pay these invoices via Vendor payment journal, Withholding tax is calculated wrong!

For client who is posting all Vendor Project related invoices via Invoice register or Invoice approval form, they will never have correctly calculated Withholding tax, which is very troublesome.

Thank you for taking this into consideration, when deciding to fix this issue.

Kind regards,

Jasna Milinkovic

Category: Tax