Instead of having a flat value, a setup matrix should be implemented offering more flexible and powerful setups.
New setup matrix will be able to cover scenarios like:
- less setup time when switching from light to dark
- different setup times a-->b vs. b-->a
Category: Planning
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for your input! If it gets voted, we will consider adding it to our long term roadmap. 


Beatriz Nebot Gracia

Product Manager, Microsoft



Adding some more scenarios to the idea:

After working with multiple customers in various industries (pharmaceutical & chemistry), all of them required a setup matrix to accurately plan their productions. This led to redeveloping same solution for each customer individually with all its negative implications towards updates etc. Nearly all customer were irritated NOT having this essential functionality as production module all in all is excellent.

An integrated setup matrix would reduce implementation costs, reduce interfaces to planning systems used for matrix planning and raise standard percentage.

Category: Planning