The label for Editable Grids is �Show As� which is unintuitive to our field. A few years ago our team built a custom tool called "In-line Edit" that is very similar to Editable Grids. Recently we implemented Editable Grids for a very small subset of our overall user base, and we relabeled the command button to show �In-line Edit� which is what the Editable Grids feature allows our users to do. It is a small change, but we would find it more intuitive if the out-of-box label for the command button said something like "In-line Edit" which would preclude the need for us to change the command button label.

Additionally, the options offered through "Show As" are Read-only Grid and Editable Grid. These options are unintuitive to our users and become even more unintuitive with our command button change to �In-line Edit.� Could they simply say something like On and Off?
Category: General
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