Foresee a new GL and AP parameter which allows posting of ledger accruals in a closed period/module (for past and future postings).
GL : when working with daily journals
AP : when working with invoice journals

for example AP :
vendor invoice posting date 01/02/2021 - period 02/2021 is open, period 01/2021 is
Ledger accrual 12M starts from 01/01/2021.
Posting will fail because of first period closed.
Workaround MSFT : open period 01/2021 + close module , create GL journal with ledger accural posting --> this is a cumbersome process
Category: General Ledger
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for the suggestion.  We will evaluate the suggestion for future planning. 



Extra comment :
the workaround from MSFT is also not ideal. Now we need to keep ledger periods or ledger module open only for ledger accruals. How to make sure that these periods are used only for ledger accruals? Even if we create a user group "Accrual" and add one user to that group... how prevent that this user posts other ledger postings then ledger accrauls?

Category: General Ledger


there are words missing in the example... second try :

for example AP :
vendor invoice posting date 01/02/2021 - period 02/2021 is open, period 01/2021 is closed (or module vendor)
Ledger accrual 12M starts from 01/01/2021.
Posting will fail because of first period closed.
Workaround MSFT : open period 01/2021 + close module vendor , create GL journal with ledger accural posting --> this is a cumbersome process

Category: General Ledger