Hi, In especially restaurant and bars, the use of buttons to sell items is common, as they do not have barcodes on the drinks, meals etc etc. In a bar screen layout, you could have grouped the buttons into several menus and submenus. And if you have searched for a drink and deep dived into submenus to find the "Bloody Mary" - it would be nice if the POS returned to a "Start menu" after completing the sale. Then you do not have to navigate backwards from the submenus used in the past sale, to find the most common drinks that is located on the start menu. This would save a lot of time, and in bars - time is money! I think this is a feature that is required and wanted by all customers that are running D365 for retail in their bars and restaurants.

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for the product suggestion! This idea is aligned with the product vision and we will love to provide this capability out of the box. However, we do not have a planned release timeline as of now and hence marking it as Declined (please read this as Postponed).



We had achieved this "Return to start menu" on payment posting in POS for a self-checkout functionality we had developed.

Category: Store Operations and POS


Category: Store Operations and POS