The same functionality already exists in Microsoft Forms!
For the customer of MS, this is a critical functionality for the maintenance of Assets for Utility companies (and probably also for other businesses). Using pictures in the Inspection listHelps clarifying what is expected from the technician. If this is missing, the technician loses precious time to find more info in the manuals of the inspections list of what is expected of him/her. Or they 'just' enter a response not matching the expectations and this could even create extra work.The technician can indicate based on an example the state of degradation which is very important to determine the next steps. Without the picture examples the technician will give his/her own interpretation to the degradation and the respond can be different from the user. A lot of the Field Service competitors have this basic functionality which can influence the customer in selecting another solution. So for MS it is also a good idea to improve their product.
Category: Inspections
I agree with you. Microsoft has to be updated as Forms, core function looks same but inspeciton it self is still lack of fucntionality.
Category: Inspections