Some sort of creative option in the web client to allow users to select a customer report dictionary would be terrific

We have 4 report dictionaries users can access with four shortcuts on the desktop. I am currently not aware of any type of functionality with the web client. We cannot tie report dictionary to user and cannot rely on Word Templates because some functionality still does not work with templates.

I will take any sort of creative option during the user login or company selection process.
Category: Web Client
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for the suggestion.
With the Lifecycle of Dynamics GP at this time, this suggestion would be out of scope.
Terry Heley




This sounds like a good place to implement Tenant Services. You could then create separate tenants for each version of the Dynamics.set file (each containing a path to a different Reports.dic) and assign your users to the appropriate tenants. When they log in their experience will be the same as a normal Web Client login, but they will have access to their specified modified reports.

Category: Web Client