When analyzing the cost of a production order in the form All production orders > tab Manage costs > Calculations > View calculation details, we are missing descriptions for all lines.

However, the (same) screen that contains the calculation details from a released product has been designed to show the product description / resource description / indirect cost description.

This is then inconsistent and is a pain for the controlling department, when a production order contains a lot of components / route operations, to understand and review quickly the cost of a production

Category: Cost Management
Under Review



Hi @Brice FLORIMOND,Just for double confirmation.Do you mean there is no pop-up "Item/Resource" description for "Product" when there is one for "Product Master" under the form All production orders > tab Manage costs > Calculations > View calculation details?Is this for all 3 sections: "Overview estimation", "Overview costing", "General"? Or just "Overview costing"?Thank you,Ban

Category: Cost Management