We face several item tracking scenario's in the Customer processes we need to support.
We have the setup of no, serial, lot, package tracking (or combinations).

We noticed that its possible to enter serial, lot and package no. in item tracking also when the item isn’t setup as such in its item tracking setup.
As a result this leads to incorrect ledger entries, this is also mentioned in the Yammer thread about package tracking : https://www.yammer.com/dynamicsnavdev/#/Threads/show?threadId=973440682950656&search_origin=global&scoring=linear1Y-prankie-group-private-higher&match=any-exact&search_sort=relevance&page=1&search=package%20tracking

First response noted in this thread was:
The idea to prohibit entering values into SN/Lot/Package fields if tracking is not required on Item Tracking Code is valid, but it contradicts to current design. We even ship the "FREEENTRY" Item Tracking Code with demo data to demo this feature. This requires analysis.

We really would like to see the possibility to (optionally?) block the ability to enter serial, lot and package no. in item tracking when the item isn’t setup as such in its item tracking in the base app.
Category: Inventory