When you create a beginning balance journal from: Project management and accounting -> Journals-> Beginning balance then create a transaction for a specific project. Then go check on beginning balance for that project, the created project is not retrieved:

Project management and accounting->Projects->All Projects the journal doesn't' appear.

If you do the same test with fee, hour our expense journal the journal is also shown on the specific project.

  • What is the business impact to the customer?

The analysis of the project can be mistaken as we do not find a beginning balancing journal created on the project

The manager on charge of the project will not have access to the migration journal with all the projects inside


  • How does the problem impact their business? Financials

It concerns 80% of the business – Fixed price

Upon theses analysis, we decide if the project is profitable or not and change the pricing


  • How frequently does this issue occur? -

Once for migration.

 but impact for all time for the history of the project


  • Is there a workaround? –

No, checking by each journal is not allowed to the manager and they have to find the right journal

Just for one company, we had 10 journals with 1500 lines


  • How many users are affected by this issue? – 

