Currently the "Job Planning Line" and "Job Quote" Report don't know VAT %, VAT Amount, etc.

If you create a Sales Invoice from a Job the VAT %, VAT Amount, etc. will be transferred from the Sales Line to the "Job Planning Line". It would be nice if the "Job Planning Line" and the "Job Quote" Report would be extended with VAT Calculation like the Sales Quote.
Needs Votes



Yes please, I totally agree.In DK it is almost illegal to sent a quote to a private customer without vat, so this makes the Job Quote report without VAT quite useless.May I suggest an even better solution. Instead of the simple Job Quote report, it should be possible to create a real quotation by transfering the job planning lines to a sales quote in the same way as we can create a sales invice by transfering the job planning lines.In this way we would not only solve the VAT problem, but extent the the job quote process with alle the options of a real Sales quote. Best regardsThomas

Category: Project Management