Need the ability to over picak and over consume. We have several customers who need to be able to over pick (may pick an entire roll or box of a product vs a small amount). They would pick the roll for a production order and then return the remaining quantity when production completes via a movement.
They then need to be able to over consume the item as needed based on what they actually used.
Category: Warehousing
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! We are adding it to our roadmap.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



Any status on this?Sometimes the food industry also requires this. They open 'bags' of 25KG, but the production Pick requires 5 KG - but they cannot open the bag in a bulk location. They need to pick the entire 25 KG bag and leave it in the PROD-IN bin and keep picking from that bin (the stock would be already in PROD-IN) until they need another bag.Curious to know the status of this in the pipeline as this has been open since 2019.

Category: Warehousing


Over pick is crusial for our production process. Working without that functionality is very complicated for us.

Category: Warehousing


This is also an issue I face with costumer every time - only Apps (shop floor solutions) has manage to solve this issue so it is easy for warehouse -and productionsworkers to pick/consumere more in case of more waste than expected.

Category: Warehousing


Yes, this is really an addition.

Category: Warehousing


I am in the food industry, and currently working in the Configuration for the launch of Business Central.
In our reality, if production needs 55 kg = 2 bags of 20 kg +15 kg, the warehouse gives 3 full bags. After production, there is a return of what was not used. Over Pick will help us.

Category: Warehousing


This is an excellent and important feature for many manufacturing companies.

Category: Warehousing


I am repeatedly astounded at some of the seemingly obvious things that you are prevented from doing in Business Central. Why have manual flushing if your consumption is assumed to be the same as what was calculated by the BOM?

Category: Warehousing


This is very much needed in industries where the ordered quantity may not match the actual quantity shipped. We see this in the food industry.

Category: Warehousing


We are running into the same scenario. Rolls of labels, Boxes of corks, bundles of shrink wrap. Counting 500 of a 2000 roll of labels is hard to rationalize.

Category: Warehousing


This is another issue that would be huge for us. In our business we NEVER receive or ship the quantity shown on the PO or SO. Just the nature of our busniness.

Category: Warehousing

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