It is basic to be able to send a Posted Sales Shipments by mail. Many customers demand it before they get the invoices.

I do not understand why it is possible to send sales orders and sales invoices by mail but it is not possible to send Posted Sales Shipments.

Please it is very urgent for our customers.

Thank you

Juan Megias.

Category: Sales
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for reaching out. Your suggestion seems to be a duplicate of the following suggestion:  

Please add your valuable votes and comments to the suggestion above instead.

Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft



For now you can look at a third party app to do this while it isn't covered by the base product. Our DocumentPath app for BC adds many options for sending documents, including a "Post and Send" action to do it all in one shot. Multiple setups can be configured for each document, so if you want an email shipping notice to go out when a shipment is posted and also want a hardcopy to print in the warehouse to use as a packing slip, that sort of thing can easily be configured.

Category: Sales


We have a request from a customer right now to do this. This needs to be able to be done in the background during posting vs having to opent the shipment and manually send. We need the same functions for posting invoice and auto emailing

Category: Sales