In Business Central it is not uncommon that you experience a mix of translations when an environment is deployed in a given localization and a different language is preferred and selected in the UI afterwards.

For certain pages, however, like the Workflow templates, the whole content is displayed in the localization language and shows the records from the table and not captions which have translations loaded by a language layer. And at the moment beside some special item translations module, records are not translated.

It is not uncommon too that users not ways speak the languages the environment has been localized/ deployed.

It would be great to have this logic alternated in the future in order to have all pages and tables presented in the desired by the user language.

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are not considering the suggestion at this time due to the following reason: workflow template shows the records from the table and not captions which have translations loaded by a language layer, and we do not translate records.  

Aleksandar Totovic
PM, Microsoft