The lack of style in technology could grow a crystal. Does that mean anything to you reading this? What I', trying to present here is an empty space which could very well be filled with a canvas spread of opportunities. #1 Creating a lap top with connecting pieces that disconnect & be replaced. A true mothership computer. So the consumer can have the freedom to continue through life having at least a mothership computer that would always be running connected to a new enterprise that as well supplied the demand & need for such a product & could create a brand new tier of security monitoring that could be backed by governments as a first of it's kind hacker baiting project that would survey to create greater strength against the piracy of privacy. #2 Cleverly fashioned outer designs to products that break from the industry standards across the board. There is no need for a product of the caliber of Microsoft to have competitor generic brands neck in neck when it's simply due to the way a product looks similar. Changing the design to the extent the detail could be cheap to replicate for Microsoft but not for generic brands hoping to ride the tail feathers of the name brands. Let's see some porche lap tops & lamborghini desktops. Not exactly a Porche or Lamborghini but the style that's above all else the reason they're appealing in the first place. #3 Reinventing the pay phone to accommodate power & signal loss of every kind. Something that was a hybrid internet/phone booth inside restaurants & gas stations. For a price a consumer can get on the internet for a short time & use the pay phone. Bring back the phone booth & make it an internet/phone booth. It would be an advertising gold mine. 3 I'm pushing all the way simply due to the state of lack which is presented in it not being anywhere at all when it could be raking in billions per year just like the pay phone & phone booth.
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