The ERP part of Dynamics 365 has been renamed several times and for those of us that need to call it something daily it has been painful. Currently a hodgepodge of terms & abbreviations is in use in daily conversations and documents. Imagine sitting in a meeting and discussing upgrading from AX to “Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain & Commerce” also abbreviated as “D365 F&SCM”, aka “Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations”, aka “F&O” aka “FinOps”, aka just “Operations”, aka “AX7”. Or debate using the sales order in SCM or in Commerce (which actually is the same system) or using it in Dynamics 365 Sales ("No, I don't mean the Sales and marketing module in SCM, I mean the sales part of Customer engagement, also called CE, formerly known as CRM, which actually is a different system with different data structures and by the way not the same as the former CRM module in AX...").

Then try googling for information on the sales order handling in SCM or Commerce without sifting through thousands of documents and discussions on sales orders in Dynamics 365 Sales i.e. the former CRM or sales orders in Business Central.

Names should reflect reality. When customers and consultants talk they usually distinguish between the ERP part that was previously known as AX and the CRM part that was previously known as Microsoft CRM. Finance, Commerce and Supply Chain were distinctions made for licensing purposes but they are the same system. It’s like talking about my husband as “the yard guy’ when he mows the lawn and “the date guy” when we’re going out – same husband, just different accessories and different uses. Give them one distinctive umbrella name so that we don’t have to twist ourselves into pretzels talking about them.

Sales can be handled in the ERP system or the CRM system. “Dynamics 365 Sales”, which gets abbreviated to "Sales" in daily conversations, is confusing because it can refer to both. It is a completely different system with different terminology and data structure, even if it is connected through Dataverse, (akas Common Data Service, aka CDS for short). Call it something different please. Thanks for your consideration.
Category: General