there is no exact alignment when copy pasting formatted text. If copying from a webpage, the recommended approach is to copy the source HTML and put it into the HTML tab of the email editor. This will preserve the formatting better.the copying of formatted text into the editor. Recommended workaround is to copy the source HTML instead. Issue: when we do the above action , we could see the changes in HTML code by default. Expected results: when we copy paste the marketing email template from web it should be same (should not be change the alignment of marketing email templates and HTML code of of view source). Please consider including such a feature in the next update release.
Dear Durga,I came across your post/idea when I was searching for answers regarding an issue we are having in the email editor in Marketing. From what you wrote it seems that you CAN paste formatted text in the email editor. Is this correct, and is this still the case today? All my tests indicate that this is not or no longer possible.Can you tell me more about your experiences?Thank you!Joris
Category: Email