O Dynamics não permite a criação do arquivo de remessa ao agrupar vários títulos através do uso da função "Liquidar transações" onde ao acionar a função "Gerar pagamento" o Dynamics exibe o erro: Error message: “Somente uma fatura pode ser marcada na liquidação por pagamento quando o método é pagamento eletrônico.” .” "Only one invoice can be marked at settlement per payment when method of payment is for electronic payment."
Ideas Administrator

Translation of the description

Dynamics does not allow the creation of the remittance file when grouping several titles through the use of the function "Settle transactions" where when activating the function "Generate payment" Dynamics displays the error: Error message: “Only one invoice can be marked in the settlement by payment when the method is electronic payment.” .” "Only one invoice can be marked at settlement for payment when method of payment is for electronic payment."