A few versions ago, Positive pay file generation started using Electronic reporting instead of XSLT.

One would expect that it would honor the ER destination settings for the file destination. But in reality, in addition to the ER destination, it also downloads the file.

Meaning, if ER destination setting is configured to save the positive pay file in SharePoint, the current code is generating 2 files - one sent to SharePoint and second downloaded in the browser.

This is due to the below highlighted code in class BankPositivePayExport:

private str generatePositivePayFileViaGER(ERFormatMappingId _eRFormatMappingId, Query _query)


       ERIModelDefinitionParamsUIAction parameters = new ERModelDefinitionDatabaseContext().addQuery(tablenum(BankPositivePayExportEntity), _query);


        Filename filename = strFmt('%1-%2', bankPositivePayTable.PayFormat, bankPositivePayTable.PositivePayNum);


        str outputFileName = ERObjectsFactory::createFormatMappingRunByFormatMappingId(_eRFormatMappingId, filename)





       return outputFileName;


I would request that Microsoft remove the highlighted line and let users decide the file destination using ER destination configuration. And if that is not possible, please make the code extension-friendly - because currently it is not.
