Lately, I received several complaints from customers about the use of links in emails. In order to be able to track the click behavior of the recipient, the system automatically replaces the link by a redirect link. This is described in the following docs article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/marketing/email-design#add-standard-required-and-specialized-links-to-your-message
Once the recipient opens the email in the inbox and hovers over the link with his mouse, the redirect link is displayed. This is a URL with random characters, like this example:

This looks insecure and unreliable and recipients are less likely to click on the link because they don't trust it.
Other marketing tools allow to add a prefix in front of the url, for example the sender domain. The redirect link would look like this then:
Category: Email
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback!
This is a great suggestion! We feel there should be more community votes to have this idea implemented.

PM, Dynamics 365 Marketing



Is this idea being considered for implementation? This would be valuable to us.

Category: Email


Yes, and preferable our own (as customer of Microsoft) domain. Not a Microsoft domain.

Category: Email


We've also had customers point this out to us. As a financial institution we prioritize cyber security practices and educate our customers to be cautious of suspicious links. We want the insights that this feature offers AND to maintain the trust of our email recipients.

Category: Email


Sorry, the URL displayed at the end of the post is incorrect since it does not contain the domain name. This should be:


Category: Email