Purchase order confirmation with close for receipt is generation a wrong inventtrans See also support issue: 2410091420002752

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for the feedback. This appears to be a support issue and not a produce suggestion. 



Business Impact:General informationPartner name: Ultimate Software BVCustomer name: --Business Focused Problem Description.After creating a purchase order form the project and receive it partitially (with 'close for receipt') the system is not updating the inventtrans correctly. There is still an expected qty.Describe in non-technical terms the issue – what the user is trying to do (business process). After creating a purchase order form the project and receive it partitially (with 'close for receipt') the system is not updating the inventtrans correctly. There is still an expected qty.How does the problem impact your business? (Ability to bill, revenue loss, sales etc.). Workload of executing the further process. Also extra process in the workflow.How frequently does this issue occur (times daily/times weekly/times monthly)? WeeklyIs there a workaround?Yes, but not easily. Are you applying the workaround? Absolutly noHow many users are affected by this issue? All users, around 50 people.

Category: Project Accounting