For companies that inventory products and also drop ship items, we need to be able to:

designate non-stock items which will always drop ship to a customer as a non-inventory or non-stock item so it displays in the item list this way.  

Designate an item as a DROP SHIP on the item card so this will display on orders, purchase orders, pick lists, etc.  This will make it easier for sales and purchasing to not have to check if this item is just out of inventory or if more needs to be brought into the warehouse.

Category: Inventory
Under Review



Please also take in to account that the functionality needs to be taking care of the Jobs/Project managment process. As it is right now there is a lot of shipments going direct to worksites without passing a warehouse in Jobs oriented companies (even if they have locations)

Category: Inventory


If you want to be really fancy you need the ability to consider that the price paid on a drop ship will actually vary by the location of the customer and therefore, prices in purchase requisition might have rules by supplier and delivery zone.... but let's maybe just get the basics first.

Category: Inventory


Wow. Have you not seen the proliferation of the Amazon model for small businesses? Or is small business exempt from Business Central?

Lots of companies these days have drop ship items. They should be able to be flagged on the ITEM, and inherited on the SALES ORDER.

If you are asking for Inside Sales to look at a list of 10,000 ITEMS, and figure out which ones are drop ship and which ones aren’t, and then MANUALLY check a box, you are asking too much.

Other products automate this. Either let us do this with Flow, or build it in. But making us write a program/extension for this is too much “in the past” thinking. Just because BC is NAV and NAV was made at a time when modern workforce’s weren’t around isn’t an excuse.

If BC is targeted as a quickbooks replacement (which, seeing as it has a QB import function, it obviously is), it needs to work way more automated.

Category: Inventory



Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.
Jennifer Ranz
PM, Microsoft 

Category: Inventory