Save an email as a template : The quick create form doesn't give you the option to choose the language

Since the language is used as a default filter on the template selection page when you create a new email Marketing, I was not able to find my newly created template because.

- My Dynamics default language is French
- When the template was created, I can not choose the language and the default value is English
- When I create a new marketing email, the available templates are filtered by the default language of the user, so French it is > My template is not visible

Category: Email
Ideas Administrator

We have released this feature.

Now in real-time marketing, you can save any existing email as a template by selecting "Save as template" on the command bar.

You may find more information here: Documentation


Dynamics 365 Marketing



We have released this feature.

Now in real-time marketing, you can save any existing email as a template by selecting "Save as template" on the command bar.

You may find more information here: Documentation



PM, Microsoft

Category: Email