it would be nice if you could specify different addresses for the Sales Return Order as well. It is often the case that a carrier picks up the goods. Now it can happen that the pickup address is different from the invoice address.
Thus, the same function as for the order is needed to also access the different delivery address.
For votes on this idea I would be very happy.
Yes, this has long been a big gap. Need Collect-From fields on the Sales Return Order, that can be populated from a customer ship-to address. When copying documents need to copy from the Ship-to fields on the sales order.
Category: Sales
This would indeed be a nice useful addition!It would also be nice when you create a sales return order and use the 'copy document' function to copy a posted invoice or shipment, that the (custom) ship-to address from that invoice/shipment would be copied to the return order, i.e. as a 'pick-up address'.
Category: Sales
Good idea, we need this!
Category: Sales
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team