We have a scenario where Bill to address is different than ship to address. As per conversation with MS Support team, they suggested to use Invoice Account functionality. When we are trying to use Invoice account functionality for project invoices, we found out that it is not working for PMA nor for Purchase Order or Sales Order invoicing if we are assigning the Project in "Project" Tab.

Further adding to this point if Invoice account functionality works as expected when bill to and ship to addresses are different during Sales Invoice & Purchase Invoice (without Project tagged) then same functionality should work for Project Invoices as well. Currently as per MS Support team, all information is flown based on the funding source, which is associated with billing for respective customer, however invoice account functionality in Project invoices will provide feasibility to select another customer address different from funding source customer address to compute GST accordingly and all the related information also flows in requisite reports based on the same data.

Scenario: Since, we are a Service based company and majorly using Project invoices for billing to customers, we have a lot cases where the requirement from the customer is to bill the parent company however delivery address should be of child/subsidiary company wherein Funding customer is parent company and with the help of invoice account functionality we can assign child company address by selecting Child customer account. We cannot keep on adding addresses of child comapny in the Customer master of Parent company, we expect a permanent solution for this.
