On the Item table and related purchase document lines, the Vendor Item No. field is limited to Text 20. We regularly encounter customers with longer Vendor Item Nos. We don't want to consider extending the field as a modification.

Item Cross References also only offer a Code 20 field for a similar purpose.

Could you please consider extending the length of Vendor Item No. to Text 50?


Category: Purchasing
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in Write longer item references in 2020 Release Wave 2. 
Please refer to the following link for more information:

Your help was greatly appreciated,  
Business Central Team



We deal with part numbers from many different vendors. Many of them have over 20 characters for their part numbers. Agreed that this is a show stopper for many companies.

Category: Purchasing


It would be quite awesome if it was possible to find a specific Item, by searching for the reference in the Items overview/page.

Category: Purchasing


I've just tested this new feature in version 17.0.16993.0, but although you can enter more then 20 characters in the Reference No. field, it throws a validation error when it's longer then 20.

Category: Purchasing


The data Exchange in the automotive Industry is often based on VDA Standard. The VDA 4984 defines item no. with a length of 35 Signs, so there is the Need of 35 Signs at least. Without changing those field (Item Vendor Number and Item Reference No.) this branch cannot be supported with standard BC.

Category: Purchasing


The Company Siemens AG uses Item No. longer than 100 chars. So if extending, please at least Text 80.

Category: Purchasing


we need more than 50 charts.

Category: Purchasing


At the moment we are migrating our vertical solution from NAV 2018 to Dynamics 365 BC. In the past, we could change the field length for bigger vendor item numbers by ourselves. Now with the extensions this is not possible anymore.

We would like to upgrade our customers as soon as possible to NAV 365 BC, but this limitation is a "showstopper". It seems to be a tiny thing, but if your vendor uses long item numbers, this becomes a critical issue. Therefore we would really appreciate, if you could change this field length for us.

Category: Purchasing


We can suppot this request. More and more companies have to deal with vendor item numbers longer than 20 characters.

Category: Purchasing


Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Theresa Nistler
PM, Microsoft


Category: Purchasing