The way how CRM manages files is not very fast or efficient.
I do propose that it should be possible to link desired sharepoint folder with opportuntity, account, contact. This would enable option to work with relevant files via crm but also access them via syncronized folders. For example when working with procurements its not really good to work with files via crm as its just slow, one-by one process. Instead we prefer to save the files to folder (but same time see them via crm). When you need to upload files to procurement portal or to customer then its not thinkable to download them from crm and then upload or email them to customer - simple process made 3 times slower.
Also when working with opportunities. We work with 6-7 countries and we keep opportuntities and files organized by country and by year. So its not really working out when we use current file funcitionality in Dynamics Sales. This is reason why we would need to save files per country and also by year so each years projects are in one folder per country and per opportunity.
Having all communication and spamming features in CRM is nice but business what is built for intensive communication to sell more is not really good. We would love to see features what really can help to save time for ourselves and also customers and same time delivering better quality data (not quantity)