The following solutions that will improve the overall experience and usablility ofr Knowlegde Articles (KA) D365.

Requirement - Linking KA's:

  1. A KA creator must be able to link multiple KA's together.
  2. E.g. KA1 (paint wall) is linked to KA2 (Fix hole).
  3. If a KA creator creates a new version of a KA (major or minor version), AND the original KA was linked to another KA (see requirement 1), then the link between KA1 and KA 2 must not be broken.
  4. This is important as once a new version is created, you don't want the link broken.
  5. If a CRM user searches an KA using the Knowledge Search functionality, and the CRM user opens KA1 (which is linked to KA2). The CRM user must be able to open KA2 and remain the in "search UI".
  6. Currently if you link a KA using a URL, it opens the KA entity and displays information/ fields about the entity that is not relevant to an end user.

Requirement: Displaying KA's in search as a list.

Currently there are only 2 ways to find a KA:

  1. Use the KA search function which opens the record in a user-friendly UI and only displays the 'KA content'.
  2. View KA's as a list. This is not as user friendly as when the end user opens up the record, they see other fields/ tabs and information that is not relevant to them.


  1. The CRM user must be able to view all KA's as a list format and must only see the "KA content" (the same as the search UI)
  2. The CRM user must be able to filter KA based on fields within the KA entity.
  3. E.g. Organisations will want the following information to seperate KA:
  4. KA Type (Work Instruction, Business Rule, Policy, Template, Customer Service Script etc
  5. KA Topic (Application, Licence, Printer, Site Visit etc)
  6. Users must be able to filter based on the above information (e.g. only display all Work Instructions that relate to a Licence)