Good evening!

After several months of working with the Microsoft Support Team, we were finally made aware that the Sales Accelerator Work Assignment function does not recognize shift breaks under an hour.

Case Number: SR # 2403120040012299

For some background, we spent months building the Work Assignment to automatically assign new leads entering the system. We followed the Microsoft Learn instructions With a group of about 10 users, we built out Queues and segments for the WA tool to assign these users new leads based off filters in the segment. We wanted the system to recognize the natural breaks they had in their workday, as we have SLAs in our company we have to adhere to. We utilized the CRM Calendar to work the schedules and breaks.

After months of testing and working around, we we're notified by the Microsoft Support that this is the intended function and the way it works. It will not recognize a break shorter than 1 hour. We'd like to suggest that this be enhanced to recognize breaks shorter than an hour.

For example, if we have John Doe scheduled for a 15 min break - ideally John would not be assigned a lead via the Work Assignment because it will recognize the break. For SLA purposes, we cannot make it an hour long break.

Thank you!
