Less of an idea but rather an update would be great.
Currently if you choose a tax area code under the company information, this flows through to your purchase & sales invoice, rather than the tax area code denoted on the vendor/customer card. Your client may be in one area but someone can charge them tax from another (very big for GST in Canada). Tested it in both SaaS and Onprem, seems to be present in both.
Currently if you choose a tax area code under the company information, this flows through to your purchase & sales invoice, rather than the tax area code denoted on the vendor/customer card. Your client may be in one area but someone can charge them tax from another (very big for GST in Canada). Tested it in both SaaS and Onprem, seems to be present in both.
Under Review
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap.
Your help is greatly appreciated,
Theresa Nistler
PM, Microsoft