Path: Project management and accounting>Timesheets>All timesheets - Timesheet tab>Related information>Hour transactions
First scenario:
When an Employee is posting a Timesheet/Hours transaction in the Legal entity (i.e. Company A) where the resource is employed, the corresponding related Hour transaction can be seen/tracked in the following forms:
Project management and accounting>Timesheets>All timesheets – Timesheet tab>Related information>Hour transactions
Project management and accounting>Inquiries and reports>Transactions inquiries> Hour
Second scenario:
When an Employee is posting an Intercompany Timesheet/Hours transaction against a Legal entity (i.e. Company B) where he is NOT employed (resource is employed only in Company A), the corresponding related Hour can NOT be seen/tracked in Legal entity (i.e. Company A) where is employed, in any of those forms (Timesheet tab>Related information>Hour transactions / Transactions inquiries> Hour
Those observed results are working as per design.
Here are the places where users could currently review those posted Intercompany Timesheet/Hour transactions:
> From the source/loaning Legal entity (where the resource is Employed, Company A), after the Project invoice has been posted from the target/borrowing Legal entity, you can check posted Hours and total amounts under PMA > Project invoices > Intercompany Customer invoice
> From the target/borrowing Legal entity (where the resource is not Employed, Company B), you can check under PMA > Project > All project > Choose Project ID > Pending transaction/Posted transaction.
Either for the employee who posted the Timesheet or a resource that has access across both Legal entities (Company A and B), they should be able to view the related 'Hour transactions' from the Intercompany timesheet entry
A great report to have available for a global business!
Category: Project Accounting
This is so important as more clients want to use intercompany project transactions. One of the already identified barriers to adoption is the lack of reporting for intercompany transations.
Category: Project Accounting