Flag for an app's country localization in the Appsource and on the "Microsoft Appsource Apps" page

Add a flag that identifies that an app in the appsource is of the "accounting/financial country localization" type:

- The flag should be in the appsource to filter apps appropriately.

- The flag should be in the Business Central page named "Microsoft Appsource Apps" to identify and filter apps appropriately.

- This flag would allow you to filter apps for each country in the appsource and link this filter to each country in the MS Learn documentation identified as "Localized by Partner". https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/compliance/apptest-countries-and-translations

- This identification would allow each application to be related to the validation documentation or the minimum financial/legal requirements of each country that allowed it to be recognized as a localization application for a country.

- This identification would allow us to have a value called "Number of Installations" only for this type of application. This would be a ratio that would allow customers to analyze which localization application is the most accepted.
