Hi In Europe since 2012 we have mandatory legal aspect for sales based on electronics & electrics devices. Sales must show eco-tax details on each orders and invoices. At the moment and since 2012 NAV and BC are not showing and have this mandatory process. Please let us know how Microsoft will solve this issue because with Business Central it will not possible to propose it for Electrics and electronics suppliers. More details on this official documents : http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/weee/index_en.htm https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/eli/arrete/2018/4/13/TREP1801202A/jo/texte Thank you Laurent

Category: Sales
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for the idea. It is up to partners to develop addons that handle vertical functionality like this.

Søren Alexandersen
Program Manager, Localization.



This is a global requirement the Eco Tax on plastic and the standard solution is not optimal.

Category: Sales


I think you might have solved the problem, but I will write it down for other NAV users.
You can set up manually this eco-tax details by following this steps:
Items- select the item that need to contains this tax; in the ribbon, go to Navigate; them click on Extended Texts; click New-an window will open- in General fast tab: enable All language code; description- type a brief description about this tax; starting date- type/select the starting date of this extended text; in the Lines fast tab; under the Text word, type the actual text that will appear all over the documents. In the next fast tabs, enable/disable the document(s) wich will display this extended text. Click ok.


Category: Sales


Hi Soren
It is not a vertical functionality but a legal mandatory aspect in UE.

Category: Sales


I completely agree with Laurent, we got more and more "parafiscal" taxes. We can handle them manually but like VAT it could be standardized and automated by now.

Category: Sales